Donald Trump is the gift that keeps on giving. His name is everywhere, filling the newspapers. If you live on the West coast or in the Northeast it is mandatory that you hate him, even though we are told that love trumps hate. A friend suggested that I look at the chart of his inauguration. As you can see from the event chart below, the Inauguration of out 45th President started at 11:45 in the morning of January 20. I’m not sure if this started before noon because the Vice-President has to be inaugurated before the President, and the President must take the oath at Noon, or this was just a bit earlier than noon for some other reason. However, the chart drawn for noon has the Moon well below the Descendant, by almost 5 degrees, though it is above the horizon a degree and a half. This illustrates that the horizon — which people had an instinctive knowledge of –` and the Ascendant/Descendant` are not the same
Note: Because of limits of the software, the whole word “Inauguration” can not be spelled out at the top of the charts, so one character is missing.
The most prominent aspect to note is that the Moon is opposite the Ascendant, Mars is sesquiquadrate the Moon, and Saturn is semisquare the moon. And in fact you can see a “cats-cradle” formation between the Moon, Saturn, Mars, and the Ascendant, indicated by the arrows. Jupiter is square the Midheaven, promising good fortune but not without difficulty (square)and because Jupiter is also opposite Uranus, we have a loose T square with the MC at the apex of that opposition. Ebertin says for this “optimism, a love of change and variety”. Looking at the fourth harmonic chart (below), we see Mars-Saturn is opposite along the Ascendant and the Moon, Jupiter is very tight to the Midheaven, and of course the Venus Pluto sextile in the first harmonic chart is now a trine in this fourth harmonic chart. The Moon = Mars/Saturn midpoint combination is not too pleasant: Ebertin says a ”a fit of depression”. And for the Ascendant = Mars/Saturn he says “obstacles caused by other people”. Mars Saturn is a difficult combination. Some have compared this combination of planets to driving with the brakes on: Mars wants to go fast, and Saturn wants to hold back. It can suggest difficult progress on actions that are taken hastily. Since this combination is connected with two personal points, the Ascendant and the Moon, it is very powerful. And as we can especially see in the fourth harmonic chart that this whole configuration — Moon, Mars, Saturn, Ascendant — are tightly bound together, as is Jupiter to the Midheaven. It suggest slow progress but with much depression and anxiety amongst the populace, perhaps especially women (Moon). But this is cause for optimism with Jupiter so tightly connected to the Midheaven.
Looking at the transits of the time with the US chart (below), we see that the two tightest aspects are both trines — harmonious — with the transiting Mars trine natal Mercury, and, almost as tight, transiting Sun — the day — is trine the US Midheaven. These are both very tight, as can easily seen in the third harmonic chart (also below), where trines come out as conjunctions. We can also easily see from this chart that there is a tight Moon-Neptune trine (conjunction in the third harmonic), both transiting. Since the Moon represents the minute, the exact time of this event since the Moon moves so fast, at this moment in time the populace (Moon) were confused (Neptune) or self deceiving (Ebertin). Also note the sesquiquadrate between Neptune and the USA Mercury, which says much the same thing. The trine from the transiting Sun to the US MC is beneficial, promising that this President will be very purposeful in achieving his objectives, which of course may not be good news to many people. The other trine — Mars to Mercury – – suggest much the same, forceful movement towards a goal, an active mind and many angry (Mars) thoughts (Mercury). The media of the United States (Mercury) will find forceful pressure from the incoming President. Finally we have transiting Mercury opposite Jupiter, the third tightest aspect: There will be lots and lots of things to talk about with this upcoming administration.
That of course is assuming Donald Trump is President for very long. It is no secret that many are out to get him, including the National Security Establishment and the Democrats. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer warned on the cable news channel MSDNC that Trump is “really dumb” to criticize the intelligence community since they have “six ways from Sunday of getting back at you.” As I write they have already drawn first blood, with the firing/resignation of Michael Flynn as his National Security Advisor. As anyone who has watched nature movies knows, when a predator smells blood they go in for the kill. Now that one member of the administration is down, and Trump has shown that he won’t support his representative, and thus looks weak, there will be attempts to pick off other members of the administration, starting of course with the weakest, aiming for the big prize, dislodging Donald Trump himself. The chart below show what I believe is a critical time for him, and it could be a fatal time: This is August 21. 2017.
The first thing to notice is the both the Sun and Moon are conjunct and on his Ascendant. But notice that the Node of the Moon is there also, meaning that this is a Solar Eclipse, and indeed it is the one famously visibly in America. This is a tremendous omen for the president. For those who use Fixed Stars, Regulus, the Heart of the Lion, is also at this point, and that suggests a downfall of epic proportions. But also notice the position of Saturn, exactly conjunct his Moon and opposite his Sun. On this day Saturn is stationary but the exact point where it turns direct is four days off. Saturn has been on his Moon and Sun all of 2017 and it has not been a pleasant time for him. And because of Saturn’s retrograde travels it has been a very, very long time: Donald Trump is getting hit by Saturn as long as is possible. I’m sure he’s hurting, but he won’t show it.
Here are few keywords for the fixed Star Regulus: Brave, bloodthirsty, ambitious, egotistical. You get the idea. More can be found by a search on line. Sound familiar? Now keywords for Ascendant conjunct the Ascendant: Great wealth but troubles, benefits do always last. Again, you get the idea, this describes a person very successful but with an ultimate downfall. As I said in the previous paragraph, the end of August looks like a most problematic period for Donald J. Trump — too many people are after him!